Conneaut Business Directory.
- S. L. Willcox, Photographer, and Dealer in Oval and Square Frames, Mouldings, &c.
- S. J. Smith, Dealer in General Merchandise.
- D. N. Webster, Banker, and Dealer in General Merchandise.
- Loren Gould, Notary Public, Real Estate and Insuranse Agent, and Commissioner of Deeds.
- G. W. Stines, Proprietor of Central Hotel; a first-class Livery and Buss connected with the house; charges moderate.
- M. H. Bosworth, General Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Main St.
- Allen M. Cox, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
- Josiah Hicks, Contractor and Builder. Res. Monroe Township.
- J. P. Reig, Proprietor of Conneaut Reporter; largest circulation of any paper in the county, except one; liberal terms to advertisers. Job work promptly and neatly done. .
- J. S. Abbott, Watchmaker and Jeweller, and Dealer in all kinds of Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry, Silverplated Ware, &c. ; all kinds of repairing and engraving neatly and promptly done, at reasonable rates.
- Williams, Kinaman & Co., Proprietors of Conneaut Steam Flouring Mill; Flour, Meal, and Bran kept constantly on hand.
- Curtis & Germond, Butchers and Stock Dealers, and Proprietors of Conneaut Meat Market.
- Otis Burgess, Justice of the Peace.
- Guthrie & Thurber, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, &c. Main St.
- E. D. Merriam, Physician and Surgeon. Office, Main St.
- H. E. Pond, Proprietor of Planing Mill, and Dealer in all kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, &c. &c. Broad St.
- D. C. Turner, Proprietor Livery and Sale Stable; the best of horses and carriages always ready for use. Charges reasonable. Stable Washington St., opposite Council Room.
- O. S. Martin, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office, Main St.
- C. R. Godddard, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law.
- Geo. W. Rathbun, Proprietor of Union Mills, and Dealer in Wheat Flour, and all kinds Grain and Mill Feed. Foot of Main St.
- G. W. Cummings, Architect, Draftsman, and Builder, Shop, Cor. of Mill and Liberty Sts.
- C. W. Appleby, Deputy Collector of Customs.
- W. A. Ward, Physician and Surgeon.
- M. B. Keyes, Postmaster and Express Agent.
- E. R. Hatch, Carpenter, Bnilder, and Contraotor.
- E. Risden, Ship Carpenter.
- James M. Fifield, Farmer and Stock Dealer,
- H. A. Andrews, Principal of Conneaut Academy.
- O. T. Wyman, Pastor of Christian Church.
- A. Thompson, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, and Provisions; goods sold as low as the lowest. South Ridge P. O.
- G. W. Miller, Light-keeeper, and Ship Carpenter.
- A. B. Payne & Son, Proprietors of Cheese Factory, and. Manufacturers of Choice Factory Cheese. C. N. Payne, Manager.
- James Green, of the firm of Green & Dorn, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and a general assortment of Hardware, at Amboy, Ohio.