On July 16, 1916, the 1913 appropriation of $65,500 for the New Light and Fog Signal Station was approved.
In 1917, The 3,402 foot west breakwater, begun in 1912, was completed. The concrete foundation for the New Light and Fog Signal Station was built to a point 16 feet above the water. The 1905 east breakwater extension gas buoy was discontinued and the east breakwater extension light established. The extension light was fixed white 14 feet above the water.
In 1918, construction work was postponed due to a shortage of materials caused by World War I.
By 1919, the foundation base was completed and all materials necessary for the completion of the superstructure were delivered to the site. The lantern contract was awarded. It was determined that an additional $19,000 would be required to complete the project. On 1919 chart below, only the fog bell and the southern 600 feet of the 1,200 foot wooden west breakwater remain. The northern 300 feet of the east breakwater extension are still under construction.
Work resumed on the project in June 1920 and the fog bell was transferred to the structure on August 21. On September 15, the New Light and Fog Signal Station was illuminated for the first time. The fourth order fresnel lens light shown a group flashing white every 12 seconds, flash 3 seconds, eclipse 1 second, flash 3 seconds, eclipse 5 seconds. The 4,500 candlepower light was 55 feet above the water and visible for 15 miles.
On August 28, 1920, an East Breakwater Light was established on a white square steel skeleton tower 37 feet above the water. The light was 85 candlepower flashing red every 3 seconds.
In 1921, Conneaut Harbor lights were changed to electric incandescent. The fog signal was changed from mechanical clockwork bell to electric bell.
On April 15, 1922, the electric fog bell was replaced by an atype "F" diaphone, providing a more efficient fog signal. The diaphone signal sounded two blasts every 30 seconds; a 2 second blast, 1 second silent, 2 second blast, and 25 seconds silent.
In 1923, the 886 foot east breakwater extension, begun in 1916, was completed. A duplicate engine and compressor for the fog signal were installed.
In1924, the interior work was completed, such as brickwork, plastering, and installation of tile and maple hardwood floors. A second diaphoine was also installed.
From the 1925 Lighthouse Commisioner's report, "The work completed prior to this fiscal year comprised a reinforced concrete base, 50 by 60 feet in plan built up from about 2 feet above the mean lake level, on a foundation crib built by the United States Engineers. The superstructure is a reinforced concrete building two stories in height with a tower rising on the northwest corner. The cellar contains oil-storage tanks and other storerooms; the first floor provides a power room, kitchen, office and supply room; the second floor contains the water tanks, air receivers and a bedroom and the diaphone apparatus is placed in the tower....The amount expended to June 30, 1925, $89,666.67."
The 1920 Light and Fog Signal Station is visible in the upper left corner of this 1927 M. J. Grow Fisheries photo.
Another perspective of the lighthouse is shown in this view from the Lakeview Park Hotel.
1933, Merritt, Chapman & Whitney Co. was contracted to build an intake, crib, and breakwater. In 1934, the municipal pier was built by the same company. The photo below shows the Township Park beach prior to the construction of the West breakwater and municipal dock.
The 1920 Conneaut Harbor Lighthouse and Fog Signal was discontinued on September 12, 1934. The lighthouse, its crib and the easterly 930 foot section of the west breakwater were subsequently removed.
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