Pittsburgh & Conneaut Dock Co.
Identification Photographs

I recently bought a lot of 381 photographs depicting the P&C dock workers during World War II. These are the names, in alphabetical order, of the workers. Eventually, I hope to upload all of the pictures up here. I will willingly upload pictures for family members.

Aho, Eugene Isaac

Aiken, Robert Perry

Aldrich, Amasa Floyd

Antila, Toivo Jacob

Anttila, Leonard Marcus

Arcaro, Antonio

Arcaro, Giovani

Arcaro, John

Armstrong, Henry Patrick

Baker, Harold John

Ball, Arthur William

Ball, Arthur William

Balogh, Charles

Baringer, Donald Arthur

Barnard, David George

Bartone, Antonio

Bartone, Felix A.

Bartone, John

Bartone, Louis George

Bartone, Ottavio

Basen, Walter Milton

Bean, Harold Wilson

Beckwith, Harold Lee

Beese, Isaac Albert

Bell, Eugene Alden

Bowers, Harold Lincoln

Braden, Earl George

Brooks, Michele

Brown, Lloyd E.

Bruce, George Harry

Brydle, Earl Casper

Buchanan, Hugh Cameron

Burdick, Kenneth G.

Burdick, Lester Shaffer

Burlingham, Kenneth B.

Buss, Kenneth Lee

Butts, Benjamin H.

Calkins, Walter Carl

Campbell, --

Carlucci, Giuseppe Antonio

Castrillia, Michele

Cheney, Barbara Deane

Childs, Archie Sylvanus

Childs, Chester Vernon

Church, Grace Mildred

Ciccone, Giovanni Raffaele

Clark, A.Z.

Clark, James Henry

Codding, Leon

Colangelo, Joe

Colangelo, Michael A.

Colby, Merle

Colver, B.C.

Congos, Frank Hjalmar

Cooney, Harry Russell

Cowen, Carl Charles

Craib, John

Cummins, Oscar Glen

Curtiss, Frank Van Slyke

Curtiss, Roland Wallace

Czompoly, John

Czompoly, Jr., John

Daggitt, Edwin George

Dalrymple, Glen Vernon

David, Paul Stoke

De Placido, John Robert

Dean, Samuel Lynn

Dechau, John Carl

Deevers, Paul C.

Di Fillippo, Gennaro

Di Mare, John Batiste

Di Placido, Guy

Di Pofi, Maurice Philip

Docherty, John Frank

Eckonen, Mauno Evert

Ellis, Burton Howard

Erb, John Irving

Esslinger, Charles Edward

Fazen, Mike

Feeney, Kenneth John

Fiilep, Menyhert

Forster, Bert Laird

Forster, Ralph Henry

Forsty, Francis John Elmer

Forsty, George Oliver

Forsty, Jacob Ernest

Forsty, Jr., Andrew Einor

Forsty, Mathew Nestor

Franklin, Leonard LeRoy

Freigh, Oscar Newton

Fuller, Robert

Gallett, Charles Joseph

Galliazzo, Frank Anthony

Gasch, Gordon Elroy

Getz, Charles Joseph

Getz, Dewayne Arthur

Getz, Harold Charles

Gibson, John Raymond

Gilbraith, Frank Mason

Gilbraith, Lloyd Allyn

Gillespie, Ira William

Godzak, Joseph Steve

Golden, Winford Pearl

Goldsmith, Leverett B.

Green, Marvin

Griswold, Leonard E.

Groff, Elmer George

Groff, Laurel Adelbert

Guastaferro, Angelo

Guastaferro, Louis

Hakala, Laurie Oliver

Hakala, Tamas

Hakkio, Arvo Jacob

Hakola, Gust Hilarius

Hall, Jesse Hiram

Hall, Leon Charles

Hallett, Russell Benning

Halliday, Robert Wallace

Harrington, Cassius Arthur

Hartikainen, George Richard

Hathaway, Daniel David

Hathaway, Hervey Herbard

Hathaway, Paul Franklin

Hawley, Charles Wesley

Hawley, Paul Harry

Heinemann, George William

Hennessey, Huebert Isaac

Herpy, Martin Oliver

Herrmann, Joseph Michael

Hewlett, James Bruce

Hicks, Gerald Francis

Hicks, Harold George

Hietikko, Urho Elmer

Hill, Emil Victor

Hill, George Mathew

Hill, George Russell

Hill, Raymond Walford

Hoagland, Alex

Hodgins, Fred Thomas

Hodgins, Levrett William

Hogle, Ray Caleb

Hokkanen, Matt Timothy

Horvath, Frank

Hotchkiss, Hugh H.

Hudson, Thomas David

Humalainen, Waino Michael

Huotari, Simon

Imbrogno, Adolph

Irish, Raul Irwin

Isham, Park

Isham, Paul

Isoma, John

Jalo, Arvi

Janda, Jr., John James

Johnson, Archie Wesley

Johnson, Jay Calvin

Johnston, James Howard

Juntunen, Eli

Jussila, Samuel

Kaiser, William Fred

Kallio, Jr., Jacob William

Kallio, Matt Victor

Kamppinen, John Jakko

Kane, Edward Timothy

Kangas, Arvid

Kangas, Sulo Aarne

Kangas, Toivo Jacob

Kantola, Charles Gust

Kantola, Risto Jacob

Kantola, Thomas Alex

Kasto, Jr., Andy

Kauppila, Lauri John

Keidel, Jay C.

Kennan, Henry J.

Kennedy, Frank Palmer

Kezertee, Arthur Edward

Kidder, Charles Harvey

King, George Howard

Kish, Andrew

Kitinoja, George Karl

Kitinoja, Mauno Evald

Kitinoja, Urho William

Knapp, Ray De Wolfe

Koelliker, Jacob Thomas

Kokko, Edwin Samuel

Kolehmainen, Matt

Kovach, Beila George

Kovach, Frank James

Kovacs, Frank

Kovacs, Miklos Steve

Kovacs, Steven

Krill, Steve George

Kujala, Gust

Kullas, Jonas

Kultti, George Wilhelm

Kultti, Robert Arthur

Laakso, William Karl

Lahti, John

Laituri, Charles Rudolph

Laituri, John J.

Laituri, Mauno Henry

Laituri, Raymond Michael

Lapoint, Albert Alfred

Lasko, James

Laslo, Jack Zolten

Laszlo, Alexander

Lavender, Anthony

Lemponen, Carl Theodore

Leppala, George William

Lindgren, George Alfonso

Linfoot, Warren Winton

Lintala, Jacob

Lintala, Matt

Literati, Joseph

Lockwood, Harold Lyonal

Long, Francis M.

Loomis, Kenneth Ernest

Lyon Willis Howard

Macmillan, D. Ferguson

Madonna, Angelo

Malli, Jacob

Malli, Rudolph

Mannikko, Matt

Marshall, Ruben Burrows

Martilla, Jacob Eliel

Mascik, Anthony Mack

Maukonen, Emil

McBride, Dan Martin

McBride, Thomas Edward

McElhaney, L.

McElhaney, Levere Stone

McKay, Harry Edward

McManus, George Orville

McManus, John Kay

McManus, Jr., George

McNutt, John C.

Miller, Robert Chalmers

Mirando, Angelo

Moisio, Hjalmar Johannes

Moisio, Victor

Morrison, Alfred Charles

Morton, Donald Albert

Morton, Howard Bullis

Mozart, William Irving

Muchiarone, Fiory Joseph

Mullen, Edward

Myers, Gaylord Norbert

Myers, Theodore Jacob

Nagy, Joseph

Narducci, Antonio

Naykki, William Wellington

Needham, Dr. Leslie E.

Niinisto, Raymond

Novonty, Edwin

Nyman, Gust Jacob

Oksanen, Konsta

Ott, Charles Andrew

Owens, John Purnell

Paananen, Emil

Paananen, Shirley

Palagyi, George Frank

Palo, Jacob Frederick

Pappay, Alex

Parala, John Theodore

Parker, William Milton

Parkomaki, Donald W.

Parma, Joe

Patto, Nick

Perala, Frank

Petro, Zoltan Andy

Petz, Michael Louis

Pignotti, Rocco

Pizzi, George Amdio

Porter, James Virgil

Porter, John Ellsworth

Pranny, John

Puffer, Harold L.

Puffer, John Henry

Punkar, Oscar Oke

Rankinen, Hjalmar

Rankinen, William John

Ray, Louisa Angelo

Raynor, Louis Joseph

Rhinehart, Howard Ross

Richcreek, David Franklin

Riley, Charles Whitcomb

Ring, Wendell Byron

Rintanen, Edwin Leonard

Rintanen, Gust William

Risley, Dr. Clarence T.

Roberts, Dallas Issaac

Roberts, James Dallas

Robertson, James Gray

Robinson, George Henry

Roderick, Pliny Earnest

Rood, Lynn Elmer

Ross, Albert

Ross, Clyde Lytle

Ross, Kenneth Allen

Ross, Richard Warren

Ross, Robert William

Rumpff, George Lintner

Russell, Frank

Saarela, Mikko

Sabados, Michael Daniel

Sabo, Jr., Paul

Sandstrom, Karl Gust

Sanford, Lloyd Bryant

Savimaki, Isaac

Scott, Homer Moyer

Scott, John Floyd

Seigman, Clint Laroy

Shideler, Harry Williams

Shiley, Morris Ambrose

Siirtonen, Herman

Sillanpaa, Einor E.

Sillanpaa, Jacob

Simpson, Merrit Leonard

Sippola, Ernest Woodrow

Sippola, Matt Elmer

Sirokman, Bert

Slocum, Lindsey Fred

Smerkel, Carl Emery

Smith, Dillon Bronson

Smith, Dillon Butler

Smith, John Edward

Smith, Ray Howard

Smock, Howard Lawrence

Soini, Jacob

Somppi, Richard Jalmari

Sparling, Wyndham Earl

Specht, John Lawrence

Stahle, Elmer Adam

Starkey, Harold James

Steadman, Cleon Theodore

Steadman, Clifford Lloyd

Stevens, Keith Cole

Stevenson, Clarence

Stevenson, Mac Leroy

Stewart, Chester Arthur

Stump, Bailey

Suech, John Frank

Sundberg, Arvo Eugene

Sundberg, Matti Ephrain

Sweet, Glen Elizur

Sweezey, Ray Newton

Tantari, Einor

Taylor, Howard Le Vern

Thompson, Roy Martin

Tilton, Wesley Ewing

Tinker, Clayton

Tuominen, Gust

Turner, John Gordon

Tuuri, John William

Valenti, Michael Louis

Van Goder, Robert

Van Norman, John Newton

Varga, Bert

Vasti, Edward Mattias

Vibbard, Carlyle Raynor

Vibbard, William Charles

Wagner, William Harvey

Waiters, John Hugh

Ward, Denis Elmer

Ward, Elda Elmer

Ward, Wallace William

Warner, Floyd William

Watson, Frank Stuart

Webb, Howard

Webb, Robert Casper

Welsh, R.

Wise, Mannie Benjamin

Wood, Clari Reginald

Wood, Claude Raymond

Woodworth, Theodore Neil

Yesso, John

Ylisaari, John

Yusko, Stephen Albert

Zappitelle, Emil

Zappitelli, Angelo Louis

Zappitelli, Guiseppe

There were packets for the following names but no photographs. It is assumed that these were returned to the family.

Barbour, William Ivany

Burdick, Wallace Clyde

Cousino, Francis Joseph

Fenton, Harold George

Kitinoja, Elmer Michael

Tusa, George Albert

Woodworth, Elmer Claude
